b a r - s a s a

Design to create Community
東京・自由が丘を拠点に、建築やインテリアのデザインを手がける I I L S.が運営する「 s a s a 」
そのような信念を体現する場として 誕生した「 s a s a 」
A bar " s a s a " designed by I I L S.:design firm that designs architecture and interiors based in Jiyugaoka, Tokyo.
We believe that the attractiveness of a space is not something that can be established by discussing the beauty of the limited edition design, but something that can be managed by the community that dwells in the space.
In other words, We believe that the ultimate goal of architecture and interior design is to create a living community.
The bar " s a s a " was born as a place that embodies such beliefs of I I L S.
When you want to take a break, when you want to meet new information, when you want to tell someone about your achievements.
A place where you can talk with someone about various things that happen in your daily life or just think about things by yourself. A place to tune your thoughts.
A place to build a new community rooted in this area.
With a wish that it will be such a place.
The owner, who was born and raised in Sawara Ward, Fukuoka City, welcome you with delicious sake and food.

Alcohol / Drinks